
In my leisure time I generally do photography, swimming, running, and learning a new thing in VIM, LaTeX, gnuplot and other useful things. Please find some useful stuff here.

Running Summary at Strava and ParkRun

I frequently go for ParkRun at the East Coast Park. My ParkRun Results.

Past Races

Standard Chartered 2024: 42km
Marina Run 2023: 21km
OSIM Sundown Marathon 2023: 42km

2XU Compression Run 2023: 21km

Standard Chartered 2022: 42km

London Marathon 2022 Virtual: 42km

London Marathon 2021 Virtual: 42km

Standard Chartered 2019: 42km

SG Ultra Marathon 2019: 50km

RUN NUS 2019: 15km

Spartan Super Bukit Timah 2019: 13km, 25 obstackes

Race Against Cancer 2019: 15km

OSIM Sundown Marathon 2019: 42km

2XU Compression Run 2019: 21km

Marina Run 2019: 30km

Standard Chartered 2018: 21km

RUN NUS 2018: 10km

Vim - The King of Editors

I use Vim editor for development. I have been using NERDTree and NERDCommenter plugins for a long time. Please find my vimrc file here. You can find some cool Vim Color Schemes to your taste here.


LaTeX is the high - quality document preparation system.


Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility. Following are some useful scripts and links:

  1. A good gnuplot 4.2 tutorial. The latest version of gnuplot is 5.0. Some of the commands on this tutorial may not work properly in the latest version.
  2. gnuplot 5.0 script plot_force.p to plot data from the file force.dat. Plot by this script:
  3. gnuplot 5.0 script fitcurve.p to fit a curve using data from the file force.dat. Plot by this script: